15th - 17 October 2010
The Barn Bed & Breakfast Inn
Valley Falls, KS 66 088
In this workshop, based on a selection of songs from the prince and the Wise Guys, Bettina Wegner, and Frank Sinatra, Rammstein, and Rolf Harris a Didaktisierungsmodell for the effective and targeted described the use of music in foreign language classes and shows. By listening to various German songs and seeing video clips of all four language skills are achieved. There are some songs that are suitable to teach different topics presented, and recommendations for their use.
Dr. Mohamed Esa of McDaniel College in Westminster, MD will present their own lesson plans to some German songs and show how these songs can be used in German classes. The participants will receive a package of lesson plans at least 10 songs and a CD with all the songs as video clips. In addition, the participants are divided into small groups to develop their own lesson plans. These designs are then published on the website of Mohamed Esa "Music in the German language" . All participants are to their own computer and one or two German songs (audio or video) with you, they would like to instrumentally.
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