Have you been asked that question? What are portfolios for what they are: showing what has been learned and, above all, as we have learned. Strictly speaking: documentation, collection, reflecting, presenting, that's what that can us teachers but his only legal, but: "Is this the last class test in biology really the right point, as we have learned about giving grades no information that is now known with the portfolio, students can make their learning visible
.. The method that is behind it, offers much more than a binder for particularly successful Worksheets And it changes a lot, on both sides:.. must learn to teachers to deliver control, students learn to choose what is important to them, the means more training advice on the one hand, greater independence on the other side. The journey is the goal of error and perceived weaknesses, get a different status and the presentation part of it. All just ideals of teaching? The school practice in Bielefeld, Hockenheim or Oberhausen shows that the efforts of implementation are worthwhile for all "with the text of the SWR information about those thirty minutes absolutely just , worth listening post on the use of portfolios as says one of the students in the post..: . It creates a folder "
Other informative links to portfolio and to use meaningful, goal-oriented use are collected on-Wiki-page photo of
openphoto.net -. Sarah Klockars-Clauser
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