Friday, May 28, 2010

Simpson Episode Homr Hit With Chair

literary or historical scenes to process templates cartoons

to read a text and then to production-oriented work is in the literature didactics is old hat. To create the product to the computer has several advantages. If there also are a nice little, also free online application, such as the dvolver Movie Maker , all the more.

For example, a scene with various figures can be created directly online and then send (to friends or teachers) by mail. This is not only beautiful but also exciting. In addition, it can be shown by selecting music and characters, how well you read the text and understood. Whether I was implementing a dialogue between Faust and Mephistopheles, a poem or a fairy tale, plays no real role. However, this is a small, easy-to-use program particularly in the upper and quickly reaches its limits, as proven by small example to a portion of a scene from Goethe's Faust .

Nevertheless, students can develop the movie maker to small scenes themselves, whether in literature classes, in language education - even in a foreign language by the way - or in the design of central historical scenes. How about a dialogue between Danton and Robespierre? Or a conversation in Latin? Certainly possible to have a situation would explain the figures. The imagination knows no limits. Thanks for pointing the way to Nik Peachey .

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bread For Wheelchairs

poems are painted window panes ...

poems heard at the study of rhetorical figures for the understanding necessary prerequisite. In many poems has been the repetition of key concepts down to their central importance. The experienced reader is about when dealing with Heine's "The Silesian Weavers" in directly that the weavers, which pose a threat to the king, with the phrase "we weave" are highlighted as a group, and the curse that threatens the king , is thus central.

Whether this is a repeated or a Epiphen anaphor can appear from the further study of the poem.

course need further investigation To follow course you have to go closer in form and content in the deep. But as a first step - possible an approach by using Wordle, because access to a poem in this way makes the students not only fun but also draws attention to what is to be investigated - in any case with any poem , the linguistic form. Whether it be CF Meyer's poem Two sailing or Goethe Found is exciting it all.

leave with wordle the central, recurring terms in a poem can easily visualize and then you can work with it. In all its beauty can They see the final image of the Heine poem of course.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blogs On Non Fibre Food

cartoons and pictures (can) explain clearly with Photo-Booth

explain Let your students pictures, posters, photos or cartoons? Do you notice also, the look, the students sometimes not accurate enough, the details go away, etc. Then you may find this idea, which would suggest being closer look, but also makes the students much fun. No means a perfect example of a result I've created yourself as a test, you can see in the video window: copy

And so a man's: The Mac software photo booth can turn small movies. Do you now (leave) describe or interpret a cartoon, first open the program photo booth (which is only available for the Mac) and click down on the little film reel icon. In effect, you now select the area in which you can insert user backgrounds. Now pull - for example, from the desktop - your cartoon in the background. And you can (pay attention to good lighting conditions) start. After clicking the Start button, you have to leave the picture. Now the record can be started. You can explain the pictures and the students the video available . Make Possible such a publication in Moodle, is about to result verification.

Even better, of course, if the students work independently a text and explain on the basis of the cartoon. What to expect from the students a high degree of concentration on essentials and accurate inspection. In this way, you can provide students with a completely new kind of result abverlangen backup that is also for all pupils to repeated viewing is available.

not only in history to use this function could be profitable even with a caption in the art German and diverse range in foreign languages makes sense to use.

If you need a more accurate introduction to the use of the photo booth, this side of the Academy for teacher training and leadership in Dillingen helpful.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Simpson Episode Homer Hit With Chair

prepare practice sheets from the computer generated presentations

inform Electronically does not mean that the students work directly with digital media. If the Internet relieves the teacher of simple but meaningful work, it can be just as helpful.

A wonderful example of such a discharge is the practice sheet generator Goethinstituts . Actually, he is meant for teachers of German in a foreign language, but also for other subjects he has to use very well.

You can use any digital available text to copy to the generator and then make various settings. To focus as the Auferksamkeit of students on a text, it makes sense to bring the sections of a text in the correct order to make or to have headings assigned to individual sections of text. This goes to the generator very easy. Whether the sorting of the stanzas of a poem, the structuring of a property, text or a short story, the generator is a simple way to train the reading ability of students.

more: it will increase your cloze To create the omitted words - a clear advantage over the simple word processor - can be collected automatically at the beginning of the text in a box. The completed exercise sheets can I print out or even take over to save in my word processor.

Overall a nice little online application that can be created quickly and well didactic teaching material.