Thursday, February 25, 2010

Inhaltsangabe Hursthouse Abortion

With hand and heart and Computer

radio plays can also be set to music by hand, using digital means easy. Each room is as simple studio, when a computer is provided with microphone. With mobile devices like mobile phone or iPod can also record sounds real easy, whether for a radio play, a video or a cartoon.

In a beautiful film, we learn how exciting the work of Foley artist is . The program with the mouse makes it possible (also available as a podcast ). A bit skuril it may seem to mind when you see act Norbert Schlawin , but it's also fun and pleasure to do it yourself. A beautiful radio show for noise-making is also available at the Bavarian Radio.

together with the computer that is quite simple: Garage Band (Mac) or Audacity (Mac, Linux, Windows) can record the hand-made noises and cut easily. How this works, I have explained elsewhere before.

This suggests a nice project to develop, such as in these students in Nuremberg. Tension may also direct the sounds to make for a small live theater performance like this foley artist . A 1x1 of the noise-maker also provides the sound surfers in the Wiener Zeitung . For your own information (or the teaching of English in high school) is also offers the story of Jack Foley . Even a visit to the foley artist can be helpful. As an introduction to teaching younger students is certainly the DIY of noise puzzles.

have the students in any case Enjoy it - with heart, hand and computer. meet


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